姚金环 教授






2020.01-2020.12美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington, Seattle),访问学者;

2007. 05至今,桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院任教。












9. 2017广西区教学成果二等奖2项(排名1013


11. 2019广西区教学成果一等奖(排名5


1. 2013年指导本科生科技立项作品获校级二等奖(排名第1

2. 2015年指导学生参加华南大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(排名第1

3. 2015年指导学生参加第九届全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(排名第1

4. 2016年指导的本科生创新创业项目获得2016创青春广西大学生创业大赛银奖(排名第2)。

5. 2017年指导学生参加西南赛区化工原理实验竞赛荣获二等奖1项(排名第1)、三等奖2项(排名第1

6. 2017年指导第十一届全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(排名第1

7. 2017年广西高等教育自治区级教学成果奖二等奖2项(排名第1013

8. 2018年第二届全国大学生化工实验大赛西南赛区一等奖(实验指导老师)

9. 2018年第二届全国大学生化工实验大赛西南赛区一等奖(理论指导老师)

10. 2018年第十二届全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(排名第2

11. 2018年第十二届全国大学生化工设计竞赛华南赛区三等奖2项(排名第1

12. 2019年第三届全国大学生化工实验大赛西南赛区三等奖(排名第1

13. 2019年第十三届全国大学生化工设计竞赛华南赛区三等奖1项(排名第1

14. 2021年第四届全国大学生化工实验大赛西南赛区三等奖(排名第1
















  1. Jinhuan Yao, Yongde Yang, Yanwei Li*, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Jianwen Yang. Interconnectedα-Fe2O3Nanoparticles Prepared from Leaching Liquor of Tin Ore Tailings as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.J. Alloys Compd.2021, 855: 157288.

  2. Jin-Huan Yao, Tian-Ge Zhang, Yan-Wei Li*, Jing-Jing Wu.Preparation, Characterization and Lithium Storage Performance of Agglomerated ZnMn2O4Nanoparticles,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2021, 21: 1678-1686.

  3. Yanwei Li, Ping Xu, Jiqiong Jiang,Jinhuan Yao*, Bin Huang, Jianwen Yang. Facile synthesis of ultra-large V2O5Xerogel flakes and its application as a cathode material for aqueous Zn-ion batteries,Mater. Today. Commun., 2021, 26: 101849.(SCI)

  4. Jinhuan Yao, Renshu Huang, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Yanwei Li*. Lithium Storage Performance ofα-Ni(OH)2Regulated by Partial Interlayer Anion Exchange,IONICS, 2021, 27: 1125-1135.

  5. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Guanlin Pan, Xiuying Jin, Kang Luo, Shangwang Le*. Electrochemical Property of Hierarchical Flower-like α-Ni(OH)2as An Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries,Solid State Ionics, 2021, 363: 115595.

  6. Jingjing Wu,Jinhuan Yao*, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Jianwen Yang, Yanwei Li*, Enhancing lithium ion storage property of FeMnO3as an anode material via N doping,Solid State Communications, 2021, 332: 114317.

  7. Yu Huang, Yanwei Li*, Renshu Huang, Jingcheng Ji,Jinhuan Yao*, Shunhua Xiao. One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of N-rGO supported Fe2O3nanoparticles as a superior anode material for lithium-ion batteries,Solid State Ionics, 2021, 368, 115693.

  8. Xiuying Jin, Yanwei Li*, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Jianwen Yang,Jinhun Yao*, Xiuying Jin. Facile synthesis of monodispersedα-Fe2O3cubes as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries,IONICS, 2021,27(8), 3291-3299

  9. Jinhuan Yao, Tengfei Jin, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao, Bin Huang, Jiqiong Jiang. Electrochemical performance of Fe2(SO4)3as a novel anode material for lithium-ion batteries,J. Alloy Compd., 2021, 886, 161238.

  10. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li*, Renshu Huang, Jiqiong Jiang, Shunhua Xiao, Jianwen Yang. Crucial Role of Water Content on the Electrochemical Performance ofa-Ni(OH)2as an Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries,IONICS, 2021, 27: 65-74.

  11. Yanwei Li, Jingcheng Ji,Jinhuan Yao*, Ying Zhang, Bin Huang, and Guozhong Cao*. Sodium ion storage performance and mechanism in orthorhombic V2O5single-crystalline nanowires.Sci. China. Mater. 2021, 64:557-570.

  12. Yanwei Li, Yu Huang, Yuanyuan Zheng, Renshu Huang,Jinhuan Yao*. Facile and efficient synthesis ofα-Fe2O3nanocrystals by glucose-assisted thermal decomposition method and its application in lithium ion batteries.Journal of Power Sources,2019, 416: 62-71.

  13. Yu Huang,Jinhuan Yao*, Yuanyuan Zheng, Renshu Huang, Yanwei Li*. A Simple preparation of rod-like Fe2O3with superior lithium storage performance.Materials Letters, 2019, 234: 105-108.

  14. Jing Yan,Jinhuan Yao*, Zhuliu Zhang, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao. 3D Hierarchical Porous ZnFe2O4Nano/Micro Structure as a High-Performance Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries,Materials Letters, 2019, 245: 122-125.

  15. Jinhuan Yao, Jing Yan, Yu Huang, Yanwei Li, Shunhua Xiao, Jianrong Xiao. Preparation of ZnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3nanocomposites from sulfuric acid leaching liquor of jarosite residue and their application in lithium-ion batteries. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6: 442.

  16. Yanwei Li, Yu Huang, Yuanyuan Zheng, Renshu Huang,Jinhuan Yao*. A simple preparation of rod-likeFe2O3with superior lithium storage performance. Materials Letters, 2018, 234: 105~108.(SCI收录)

  17. Jinhuan Yao,Yufang Zhang, Jing Yan, Huang Bin, Yanwei Li*, Shunhua Xiao. Nanoparticles-constructed spinel ZnFe2O4anode material with superior lithium storage performance boosted by pseudocapacitance,Materials Research Bulletin, 2018, 104: 188-193.

  18. JinhuanYao,Yanwei Li*, Robert C. Massé, Evan Uchaker, Guozhong Cao*. Revitalized interest in vanadium pentoxide as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries and beyond.Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 11: 205-259.

  19. J. H. Yao, Y. W. Li*, X. B. Song, Y. F. Zhang, J. Yan.Lithium Storage Performance of Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticle Synthesized with the Assistance of Triblock Copolymer P123,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18: 3599-3605

  20. Yanwei Li, Canzheng Liu, Zhiping Xie,Jinhuan Yao*and Guozhong Cao*. Superior Sodium Storage Performance of Additive-Free V2O5Thin Film Electrode.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017, 5, 16590-16594.

  21. Yanwei Li, Wenqiang Xu, Yuanyuan Zheng,Jinhuan Yao*, Jianrong Xiao*, Hierarchical flower-like nickel hydroxide with superior lithium storage performance,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(22): 17156–17160.

  22. Yuanyuan Zheng, Yanwei Li*,Jinhuan Yao*, Yu Huang, Shunhua Xiao.Facile synthesis of porous tubular NiO with considerable pseudocapacitance as high capacity and long life anode for lithium-ion batteries.Ceramics International, 2018, 44(2): 2568-2577.

  23. Yanwei Li*, Wenqiang Xu, Zhiping Xie, Lingzhi Zhang,Jinhuan Yao*. Structure and Lithium Storage Performances of Nickel Hydroxides Synthesized with Different Nickel Salts.IONICS,2017, 23(7): 1625-1636.

  24. Yanwei Li, Yuanyuan Zheng,Jinhuan Yao, Jianrong Xiao, Jianwen Yang, Shunhua Xiao. Facile synthesis of nanocrystalline-assembled nest-like NiO hollow microspheres with superior lithium storage performances,RSC Advances, 2017,7, 31287-31297.

  25. Jinhuan Yao*, Yanwei Li, Xuanhai Li, Xiaodong Zhu. First-principles study of the geometric and electronic structures of zinc ferrite with vacancy defect.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(7):3753-3760.

  26. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li, Yuexiao Li, Yanxi Zhu, Hongbo Wang. Enhanced cycling performance of Al-substituted a-nickel hydroxide by coating with β-nickel hydroxide.Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 224: 236-240.

  27. J. H. Yao, Z. L. Yin, Z. G. Zou, Y. W. Li. Y-doped V2O5with enhanced lithium storage performance.RSC Advances. 2017, 7: 32327–32335

  28. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li, Xuanhai Li,Shiru Le.First-principles investigation on the electronic structure and stability of In-substituted ZnFe2O4.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45(8): 3686-3693.

  29. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li, Yanwei Li.Study on indium leaching from mechanically activated hard zinc residue.Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 2011, 47(1): 63-72.

  30. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li, Liuping Pan, Jiamei Mo.Enhancing physicochemical properties and indium leachability of indium-bearing zinc ferrite mechanically activated using tumbling mill.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2012, 43 (3): 449-459.

  31. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li, Liuping Pan, Jiamei Mo, Zhipeng Wen. Investigations on indium and zinc leachabilities from indium-bearing zinc ferrite improved by planetary ball milling.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2013, 22(5): 1311-1318.

  32. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li, Liuping Pan, Jiamei Mo, Zhipeng Wen. Kinetics of leaching zinc and indium from indium-bearing zinc ferrite mechanically activated by tumbling mill.Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 2013, 30(1): 45-52.

  33. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li, Ning Li, Shiru Le.Theoretical investigations of the effect of vacancies on the geometric and electronic structures of zinc sulfide.Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2012, 407 (18): 3888–3892.

  34. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li, Zhengguang Zou, Hongbo Wang, Yufang Shen. First-principles study of the electron transport through conjugated molecular wires with different carbon backbones.Superlattice Microst, 2012, 51: 396–403.

  35. Jinhuan Yao, Yanwei Li, Zhengguang Zou, Jianwei Yang, Zhoulan Yin. First−Principles Study of the Electron Transport through cis−Poyacetylene Based Molecular Wires.Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2011, 406: 3969−3974.

  36. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li, Yanwei Li, Shiru Le.Density functional theory investigations on the structure and electronic properties of normal spinel ZnFe2O4.Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013, 145: 17–23.

  37. Jinhuan Yao, Zhoulan Yin,* Yanwei Li,* and Shiru Le. First-principles Study of the Geometric and Electronic Structures of Mn-substituted ZnFe2O4,Ferroelectrics, 2018, 522: 29-35

  38. Jinhuan Yao, Yufang Zhang, Jing Yan and Yanwei Li*. Synthesis and Lithium Storage Performance of ZnFe2O4/C Composites with the Assistance of P123,Ferroelectrics, 2018, 522: 45-54

  39. Yanwei Li*, Guanlin Pan, Wenqiang Xu,Jinhuan Yao*, Lingzhi Zhang. Effect of Al substitution on the microstructure and lithium storage performance of nickel hydroxide.Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 307: 114–121. ((SCI收录))

  40. 姚金环,谢志平,尹周澜*,李延伟*. V2O5/Graphene复合电极材料的制备与储锂性能,精细化工, 2018, 35(5): 813-818. (EI期刊)

  41. 李延伟,谢志平,刘参政,姚金环*,姜吉琼,杨建文.二维褶皱状V2O5纳米材料的制备及储锂性能研究,材料研究学报, 2017, 31(5): 374-380. (EI收录)

  42. 李延伟,李世玉,谢志平,姚金环*,姜吉琼,张灵志.电化学沉积制备V2O5薄膜电极的表面结构及储钠性能,化工学报, 2016, 67(11): 4771-4778. (EI收录)

  43. 李延伟,潘观林,姚金环*,李世玉,张灵志.纳米β-Ni(OH)2的制备及其储锂性能,化工学报,20156612):5088-5095.(EI收录)

  44. 李延伟,温胜山,姚金环*,梁晓丽,张灵志. 2D结构V2O5材料的制备与储锂性能研究,中国有色金属学报,2015251):158-164.

  45. Jinhuan Yao, Xuanhai Li. Study on indium leaching from indium-poor zinc residue enhanced by ultrasonic treatment.Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 201−203: 1770−17733.

  46. Jinhuan Yao, Ning Li, Jian Rong Xiao, Yanwei Li. Theoretical investigation on the electron transport through single alkandithiol molecules under different compression.Materials Science Forum, 2011, 663−665: 604−607.

  47. Yanwei Li,Jinhuan Yao,Evan Uchaker, Jianwen Yang, Yunxia Huang, Ming Zhang, Guozhong Cao. Leaf-like V2O5nanosheets fabricated by a facile green approach as high energy cathode material for lithium-ion batteries.Advanced Energy Materials, 2013, 3(9): 1171–1175.

  48. Yanwei Li,Jinhuan Yao, Yanxi Zhu, Zhengguang Zou, Hongbo Wang. Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Mixed Phaseα/βNickel Hydroxide. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 203: 177-183.

  49. Yanwei Li,Jinhuan Yao, Changjiu Liu, Weimin Zhao, Xingshen Deng, Shengkui Zhong. Effect of interlayer anions on the electrochemical performance of Al−substituted α−type nickel hydroxide electrodes.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35 (6): 2539−2545.






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