于晓章 教授
  1. 作者:环境学院
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于晓章,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。1987年毕业于大连水产学院(现大连海洋大学)获得淡水渔业学士学位,2001年获丹麦技术大学(Technical University of Denmark)环境科学和工程硕士学位,2009年获香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)环境毒理学博士学位。现任《Ecotoxicology》和《International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology》的责任编辑(Associate Editor)。

近年来,先后主持并参与国家自然科学基金项目4项。2003年以来在《Chemosphere,Environmental Science & Pollution Research,Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology,Ecotoxicology,Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety,The Journal of Environmental Science,Journal of Hazardous Materials,International Journal of Phytoremediation,Journal of Environmental Monitoring,International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology》和《International Biodeteroration & Biodegradation》等SCI收录期刊上发表研究论文60余篇。2009年获湖南省科学技术进步奖自然科学奖三等奖(No: 20092041-Z3-028-R02)《土壤环境中表面活性剂的化学行为、生态毒性与微生物修复的研究》(排名第二)。








Ÿ湖南省高等学校科学研究重点项目——硫氰化物污染植物修复技术研究(项目批准号No: 11A047;起止时间2011-2014年);





ŸYu XZ*, Lin YJ, Zhang Q (2019)Metallothioneins enhance chromium detoxification through scavenging ROS and stimulating metal chelation inOryza sativa.Chemosphere.220:300-313.

ŸYu XZ*, Lei SY, Lin YJ, Zhang Q (2019)Interaction of cyanate uptake by rice seedlings with nitrate assimilation: gene expression analysis.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.26:20208–20218

ŸYu XZ*,Lin YJ, Shen PP, Zhang Q, Gupta DK (2019) Molecularevidences on transport of thiocyanate into rice seedlings and assimilation by13C and15N labelling and gene expression analyses.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.139:11–17.

ŸYu XZ*, Lu CJ, Li YH, Lin YJ (2019)Cr-induced disturbance on expression of six COX genes in rice seedlings.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.16:2385–2394.

ŸLin YJ,Yu XZ*, Zhang Q (2019)Transcriptome analysis ofOryza sativain responses to different concentrations of thiocyanate.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.26:11696-11709.

ŸYu XZ*, Lin YJ, Lu CJ, Gupta DK (2018) Microarray-based expression analysis of phytohormone-related genes in rice seedlings during cyanide metabolism.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.25:19701-19712.

ŸYu XZ*, Lu CJ, Li YH (2018) Role of cytochromecin modulating chromium-induced oxidative stress inOryza sativa.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.25:27639-27649.

ŸYu XZ*, Ling QL, Li YH, Lin YJ (2018) mRNA analysis of genes encoded with phytochelatin synthase (PCS) in rice seedlings exposed to chromium.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology.101:257-261.

ŸYu XZ*, Fan WJ, Lin YJ (2018) Analysis of gene expression profiles for metal tolerance protein in rice seedlings exposed to both the toxic hexavalent chromium and trivalent chromium.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.129:102–108.

ŸYu XZ*, Fan WJ, Lin YJ, Zhang FF, Gupta DK (2018) Differential expression of thePALgene family in rice seedlings exposed to chromium by microarray analysis. Ecotoxicology.27:325335.

ŸYu XZ*, Feng YX, Liang YP. 2018.Kinetics of phyto-accumulation of hexavalent and trivalent chromium in rice seedlings.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.128:72–77.

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang FF, Liu W. 2017. Chromium-induced depression of15N content and nitrate reductase activity in rice seedlings.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.14:29–36

ŸYu XZ*, Lin YJ, Lu CJ, Zhang XH. 2017. Identification and expression analysis ofCYS-A1, CYS-C1, NIT4genes in rice seedlings exposed to cyanide.Ecotoxicology.26:956–965

ŸYu XZ*, Lin YJ, Fan WJ, Lu MR. 2017. The role of exogenous proline in amelioration of lipid peroxidation in rice seedlings exposed to Cr(VI).International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.123:106–112

ŸFeng YX, Yu XZ*, Shen PP, Yue DM, Liang YP. 2017.Chemometric analysis ofN,N-dimethyl formamide-inducedphytotoxicityin rice seedlings.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.125:54–61

ŸYu XZ*,Zhang XH. 2016.Determination of theMichaelis-Mentenkinetics and the genes expression involved in phyto-degradation of cyanide and ferri-cyanide.Ecotoxicology.25:888899

ŸZhang XH,Yu XZ*, Yue DM. 2016.Phytotoxicity of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to rice seedlings.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.13:607614

ŸYue DM, Yu XZ*, Li YH. 2015. Quantification of effective concentrations of 1,2-dimethyl phthalate (DMP) to rice seedlings.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.12:30093016

ŸYu XZ*. 2015. Uptake, assimilation and toxicity of cyanogenic compounds n plants: facts and fiction.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology.1:199204

ŸYu XZ*,Feng XH, Feng YX. 2015. Phytotoxicity and transport of gallium (Ga) in rice seedlings for 2-day of exposure.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology. 95:122–125

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang XH. 2015. DNA-protein crosslinks involved in growth inhibition of rice seedlings exposed to Ga.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.22:10830–10838

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang XH, Yue DM. 2014.Alternation of Antioxidative Enzyme Gene Expression in Rice Seedlings Exposed to Methylene Blue.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.21:14014-14022.

ŸZhang XH, Yu XZ*, Liang YP. 2014. Parameter determination involved in phytotoxicity and transport of cadmium in rice seedlings.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.96:121-126

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang XH, Liu W. 2014. Responses of free amino acids in rice seedlings during cyanide metabolism.Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 21:1411-1417.

ŸYu XZ*, Wang DQ, Zhang XH. 2014.Chelator-induced phytoextraction of zinc and copper by rice seedlings.Ecotoxicology. 23:749-756,

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang XH. 2014. Kinetics for adsorptive removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions by ferri hydroxide/oxohydroxides.Ecotoxicology. 23:734-741.

ŸYu XZ*, Zhang FZ. 2013. Effects of exogenous thiocyanate on mineral nutrients, antioxidative responses and free amino acids in rice seedlings.Ecotoxicology.22:752-760

ŸZhang FZ, Yu XZ*, Gu JD. 2013. Transport and assimilation of ferricyanide by three willow species.Water Air & Soil Pollution. 224:1522.

ŸYu XZ,Zhang FZ, Peng XY, 2013.Effects of inhibitors on ferricyanide uptake and assimilation by plants.International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology. 10:125-132.


ŸYu XZ, Gu JD. 2013. Phyto-transport and assimilation of selenium. In: Gupta DK (ed). Plant-based remediation processes, Soil biology 35. Springer,Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp 159-175




Ÿ曾清如、于晓章、杨海君、张永、肖启明。土壤环境中表面活性剂的化学行为、生态毒性与微生物修复的研究,湖南省自然科学奖三等奖(No: 20092041-Z3-028-R02)2009
