马捷 老师
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马捷,博士,2009年本科毕业于中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院园艺专业。2016年博士毕业于华中农业大学资源与环境学院植物营养学专业。2016年至2019年在深圳大学高等研究院担任博士后。2020年至2023年6月在深圳大学高等研究院担任副研究员。2023年7月至今在桂林理工大学从事教学科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、广东省基金面上项目、博士后科学基金。在New Phytologist、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution等Top植物学和环境学期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括三篇ESI高被引论文,一篇封面文章被选为ACS Editors’ Choice进行亮点报道。担任国家自然科学基金委员会评审专家,多个SCI期刊审稿人。














(1)Ma J, Chen F, Chen CC, Zhang Z, Zhong Z, Jiang H, Pu J, Li Y. and Pan K, 2023. Comparison between discarded facemask and common plastic waste on microbial colonization and physiochemical properties during aging in seawater.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 455, p.131583.

(2) Chen F,Ma J, Zhong Z, Liu H, Miao A, Zhu X. and Pan K, 2023. Silicon limitation impairs the tolerance of marine diatoms to pristine microplastics.Environmental Science & Technology, 57(8), pp.3291-3300.

(3)Ma J, Chen F, Zhang Z, Li Y, Liu J, Chen CC, Pan K, 2023. Eukaryotic community succession on discarded face masks in the marine environment.Science of The Total Environment, 854, 158552.

(4) Pu J,Ma J, Li J, Wang S. and Zhang W, 2023. Organosilicon and inorganic silica inhibit polystyrene nanoparticles uptake in rice.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 442, p.130012.

(5) Pan K, Chen CC, Lin L, Xu H, Chen F, Li Y, Zhu X,Ma J. and Lan W, 2022. Adsorption of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) to microplastics in seawater: a comparison between pristine and aged particles.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 109(5), pp.776-782.

(6)Ma J, Chen F, Zhou B, Zhang Z, Pan K, 2022. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus availability on cadmium tolerance in the marine diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum.Science of The Total Environment, 838, 156615.

(7) Chen CC, Shi Y, Zhu Y, Zeng J, Qian W, Zhou S,Ma J, Pan K., Jiang Y, Tao Y. and Zhu X, 2022. Combined toxicity of polystyrene microplastics and ammonium perfluorooctanoate to Daphnia magna: Mediation of intestinal blockage.Water Research, 219, p.118536.

(8)Ma J, Chen F, Xu H, Liu J, Chen CC, Zhang Z, Jiang H, Li Y, Pan K. 2022. Fate of face masks after being discarded into seawater: aging and microbial colonization.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 129084.

(9) Chai B, Li Y, Wang L, Zhang XT, Wan YP, Chen F,Ma J, Lan W. and Pan K, 2022. Microplastic contamination on the beaches of South China.Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, p.863652.

(10) Zhou B, Zou Y,Ma J, Li Y. and Pan K, 2022. Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Copper inPhaeodactylum tricornutumUnder Different Macronutrient Conditions.Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, p.907114.

(11)Ma J, Chen F, Xu H, Jiang H, Liu J, Li P, Chen CC, Pan K. 2021. Face masks as a source of nanoplastics and microplastics in the environment: quantification, characterization, and potential for bioaccumulation.Environmental Pollution, 288, 117748.

(12) Chen CC, Zhu X, Xu H, Chen F,Ma J. and Pan K, 2021. Copper adsorption to microplastics and natural particles in seawater: a comparison of kinetics, isotherms, and bioavailability.Environmental Science & Technology, 55(20), pp.13923-13931.

(13) Pu J, Wang L, Zhang W,Ma J, Zhang X. and Putnis CV, 2021. Organically-bound silicon enhances resistance to enzymatic degradation and nanomechanical properties of rice plant cell walls.Carbohydrate Polymers, 266, p.118057.

(14) Jiang H,Ma J, Xu H, Xu Z, Liu W. and Pan K, 2021. Multiple isotopic compositions reveal complex nitrogen cycling in a subtropical estuary.Environmental Pollution, 272, p.116410.

(15)Ma J, Zhou B, Chen F, Pan K, 2021. How marine diatoms cope with metal challenge: Insights from the morphotype-dependent metal tolerance inPhaeodactylum tricornutum.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, 111715.

(16) Duan D, Lan W, Chen F, Lei P, Zhang H,Ma J, Wei Y. and Pan K, 2020. Neutral monosaccharides and their relationship to metal contamination in mangrove sediments.Chemosphere, 251, p.126368.

(17)Zhou B,Ma J, Chen F, Zou Y, Wei Y, Zhong H. and Pan K, 2020. Mechanisms underlying silicon-dependent metal tolerance in the marine diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum.Environmental Pollution, 262, p.114331.

(18)Ma J, Zhou B, Tan Q, Zhang L, Pan K. 2020. The roles of silicon in combating cadmium challenge in the Marine diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 389, 121903.

(19) Xu S,Ma J, Ji R, Pan K. and Miao AJ, 2020. Microplastics in aquatic environments: occurrence, accumulation, and biological effects.Science of the Total Environment, 703, p.134699.

(20)马捷,陈丰源,周贝贝,段丹丹,韦阳and潘科, 2019.海洋硅藻细胞表面物理化学特性对镉累积的影响.生态毒理学报, 14(1), pp.75-82.

(21)Ma J, Zhou B, Duan D, Pan K. 2019. Salinity-dependent nanostructures and composition of cell surface and its relation to Cd toxicity in an estuarine diatom.Chemosphere, 215, 807-814.

(22)Ma J, Zhou B, Duan D, Wei Y, Pan K. 2018. Silicon limitation reduced the adsorption of cadmium in marine diatoms.Aquatic Toxicology, 202, 136-144.

(23) Sheng H,Ma J, Pu J. and Wang L, 2018. Cell wall-bound silicon optimizes ammonium uptake and metabolism in rice cells.Annals of Botany, 122(2), pp.303-313.

(24)Ma J, Zhang X, Wang L. 2017. Synergistic effects between [Si-hemicellulose matrix] ligands and Zn ions in inhibiting Cd ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells.Planta, 245, 965-976.

(25)Ma J, Zhang X, Zhang W, Wang L. 2016. Multifunctionality of silicified nanoshells at cell interfaces ofOryza sativa.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 6792-6799.

(26)Ma J, Sheng HC, Li XL, Wang LJ. 2016. iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis reveals the mechanisms of silicon-mediated cadmium tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) cells.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 104, 71-80.

(27)Ma J, Cai H, He C, Zhang W, Wang L. 2015. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon inhibits cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells.New Phytologist, 206, 1063-1074.

(28)He C,Ma J. and Wang L, 2015. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon with potential to improve the mechanical properties and regeneration of the cell wall of rice.New Phytologist, 206(3), pp.1051-1062.

(29)Liu J*,Ma J*, He C*, Li X, Zhang W, Xu F, et al. 2013. Inhibition of cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells by a wall-bound form of silicon.New Phytologist, 200, 691-699. (*joint first authors)

(30) He C, Wang L, Liu J, Liu X, Li X,Ma J, et al. 2013. Evidence for 'silicon' within the cell walls of suspension-cultured rice cells.New Phytologist, 200, 700-709.


2018,第256届美国化学学会年会,美国波士顿,口头报告:“Iron Man” become “Dustman” – Artificial and Natural Silicified Nanoshells for Heavy Metal Adsorption
