





课程简介Course Introduction


Khái quát về Trung Quốc 1中国概况I A Survey of China I


Taking society and culture as the key link, the course A Survey of China systematically summarizes and analyzes various characteristics of China's society and culture from the aspects of Chinese geography, history, ideology, culture, customs, science and technology, and political system. Through the study of this course, international students should have certain knowledge of Chinese culture, improve their sensitivity to cultural differences, tolerance and flexibility to deal with cultural differences, cultivate their intercultural communication ability, expand their cultural knowledge, and promote the learning and application of Chinese language.

Thương mại điện tử电子商务E-commerce




Electronic Commerce is a subject with strong theory and practice for undergraduates majoring in economics and management in universities. It is a comprehensive subject that studies how to realize the network and information processing of business and general affairs, involving computer, network, software technology, data security, standardization, as well as economic and trade issues.

The theoretical teaching content of this course mainly includes: e-commerce overview, e-commerce network technology foundation, e-commerce security technology, network payment technology, e-commerce logistics.

Through the study of this course, students can understand the basic concepts of e-commerce, various related technologies to realize e-commerce and the security issues involved in the development of e-commerce, so that students can initially understand the content and substance of e-commerce and understand the application status of e-commerce in some related fields.

Quản trị tài chính财务管理Finance Management


"Financial Management" is a professional course for economics and management majors (non-accounting majors). This course takes the company's financial activities as the research object, takes value management as the core, and effectively organizes and manages the financial activities and financial relations in the process of enterprise operation. Since the financial activities of a company are generally composed of four modules: financing, investment, working capital management and profit distribution, accordingly, the main content of this course mainly includes four modules: financing decision, investment decision, working capital management and dividend distribution decision. Therefore, this course not only attaches importance to the description of the basic theory of corporate finance, but also combines the financial theory with the financial practice of enterprises. It is a very practical course. Through the study of this course, students can not only master the basic financial theory of enterprises, but also learn to judge and make financial decisions about practical financial problems of enterprises, and have good professional ethics, correct outlook on life and values. At the same time, the study of this course is conducive to students' understanding and application of subsequent courses such as Securities Investment, Project Management, Technical Economics and Investment Decision-making, and to improve their understanding and application of relevant professional curriculum systems.

Quản trị nguồn nhân lực人力资源管理Human Resource Management


This course is a required course for students majoring in business administration. It mainly studies a series of management functions of human resources in enterprises, such as planning, recruitment, training, performance pay, integration and employee relations. It is designed to train the new generation of socialist students to understand the basic theory and development trend of modern enterprise human resource management, master the basic methods and skills of enterprise human resource management, and be able to use the knowledge to solve the practical problems in Chinese enterprise human resource management. Help students understand the importance of building harmonious socialist labor relations for enterprises.

Thực tập sản xuất生产实习(一)Production Practice


Production practice (I) is a professional comprehensive practice link of business administration, is a knowledge application teaching link during students' study in school, is a comprehensive and strict training to solve business administration practical problems or applied research problems. Through the training of production practice (I), students can master the procedures and writing norms of complete business administration investigation work, such as topic selection, research and information search, design and writing practice investigation report.

Giáo trình HSK5 HSK5教程I HSK5 standard course I


为帮助我校来华留学生顺利的通过HSK5级考试,特开设此门强化训练课程,通过学习HSK 5级培训课程留学生能够以口头或书面的形式用汉语流利地表达自己,并为顺利通过由国家汉办与孔子学院总部举办的HSK5考试做好准备。

Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. HSK5 is a necessary requirement for international students to obtain a degree in our school. Students who have reached this level of Chinese can better adapt to the needs of university study and daily life.

In order to help international students pass the HSK5 test, this intensive training course is set up so that the international students can express themselves fluently in Chinese either orally or in written form, and get ready to pass the HSK5 test organized by Hanban and Confucius Institute.

Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 1专业英语I (工管) Professional English (Business Administration)


This course is taught on the basis that students have preliminarily acquired the ability of listening, reading, writing and so on through two years of college English learning. The teaching purpose is to enrich students' English vocabulary in business administration major, on the one hand to improve students' ability to communicate in English in the professional field, on the other hand to lay a good foundation for postgraduate entrance examination.

数据库原理及应用* Principle and application of database


This course will systematically and comprehensively describe the basic theory, basic technology and basic methods of database system. Through the study of this course, students can systematically master the basic principles and technologies of database system. Master the basic concepts of database system, proficient in using SQL statements; Master database design methods and steps, have the basic ability to design database mode and develop database related application system, consider the system's life cycle in the process of implementation, and cultivate the spirit of honesty and trustworthiness. The knowledge content and technology methods of this course are important and necessary foundation for the personnel engaged in the application, development and research of modern big data management technology.

商务文书写作* Business Writing


Business writing is a general education course offered by colleges and universities. On the basis of introducing the basic theory and basic knowledge of applied writing, this course systematically introduces and teaches the knowledge and skills of applied writing commonly used in current social life, which has strong practicability, operability and social practicality. Through the study of this course, students can master the writing rules and methods of applied instruments, which can not only directly improve students' practical writing ability, but also meet the needs of future work. In addition, through the comprehensive training of reading and writing thinking, it can promote the all-round development of students, improve the overall quality of students, and is conducive to the sustainable development of students.

物流管理Logistics Management


The task of this course is to let students understand the basic concept and function of logistics and logistics management, the service mode of logistics, logistics elements, logistics technology and financial performance as well as the trend of the development of the modern logistics center. Through the study of this course, students can have an in-depth understanding of the basic theories, basic functions and research methods involved in logistics, and master the content of customer service, transportation, storage, inventory, procurement, information technology and financial performance in logistics management. Through the combination of theory study, case analysis and classroom discussion, students can master the basic theory and understand the whole process of logistics management, which will lay a good foundation and knowledge reserve for students to engage in logistics related industries in the future, and enhance their professionalism and integrity consciousness.


Khái quát về Trung Quốc 2中国概况II A Survey of China II


Taking society and culture as the key link, the course A Survey of China systematically summarizes and analyzes various characteristics of China's society and culture from the aspects of Chinese geography, history, ideology, culture, customs, science and technology, and political system. Through the study of this course, international students should have certain knowledge of Chinese culture, improve their sensitivity to cultural differences, tolerance and flexibility to deal with cultural differences, cultivate their intercultural communication ability, expand their cultural knowledge, and promote the learning and application of Chinese language.

Kinh tế công nghệ技术经济学Technology Economics


Technical economics belongs to the discipline of management science and engineering, which is a practical and applied discipline. It is a required professional course for business administration majors. This course mainly introduces the basic concepts of technical economics, the calculation formula of capital equivalent and the method of technical and economic evaluation. Through the study of this course, students can master the formula of equivalent calculation and the method of technical and economic evaluation, cultivate their concept of economic benefits, and have the ability of economic evaluation of investment projects.

Quản trị chiến lược企业战略管理Strategic Management


"Enterprise Strategic Management" belongs to the discipline of management science, is a discipline with strong theory and practice, is a compulsory major basic course for business administration majors. This course mainly describes the basic theory of enterprise strategic management, basic operation process, methods and tools of internal and external environment analysis, selection and evaluation methods of enterprise strategy, specific types of enterprise strategy, specific requirements for strategy implementation and control, etc. Through the study of this course, students can master the basic process of strategic management and various analysis tools, and can independently complete the strategic planning of a specific enterprise. Cultivate the strategic concept of students, so that students in the future business management work must take a long-term perspective to think about the development of enterprises, and take corresponding management behavior. At the same time, students should be trained to develop the ability of enterprise strategy and strategic management.

Phân tích báo cáo tài chính财务报表分析Financial Statement Analysis



"Financial Statement Analysis" is a core course for accounting majors, and it can also be a specialized course for other management majors. Financial statement analysis is mainly based on accounting statement data, from the surface of accounting data to explain the connotation and quality of accounting information. The course not only includes the analysis of the connotation of the information disclosed by the accounting statements, but also includes the analysis of the limitations of accounting principles and policies, the analysis of the choice and change of accounting methods, and the analysis of the authenticity of accounting information. Financial statement analysis will apply special analysis techniques and methods, through the analysis of the enterprise's asset quality, capital structure quality, profit quality and cash flow quality, to evaluate the enterprise's financing ability, debt paying ability, investment income, profitability, enterprise value and other aspects. It can provide accurate information or basis for investors, creditors, operators and other organizations or individuals concerned about the enterprise to understand the enterprise's past, evaluate the enterprise's current situation, predict the enterprise's future and make correct decisions.

This course will focus on the use of quality analysis method, according to the order of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement, the comprehensive quality analysis of accounting statement elements. After learning this course, students will establish a correct view of benefit, the correct view of asset quality, capital structure quality, profit quality, cash flow quality, the overall quality of financial situation and balance view. At the end of the course, students should be able to make a systematic analysis of the overall quality of a company's financial position.

Quản trị dự án项目管理Project management


Project Management is a compulsory course for undergraduate business administration. This course is based on the core content of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) of the Project Management Institute (USA), the Project Management Professional Qualification Standards (ICK) of the International Project Management Association, and the Chinese Project Management Body of Knowledge (C-PMBOK) of the China Project Management Research Committee. Taking the operation law of project life cycle as the main line, it expounds the basic theory, principle, method and technology of modern project management in a comprehensive and systematic way. It mainly introduces the key contents of project selection, project organization, project schedule management, project quality management, project cost management, project procurement management, project information management, project risk management, project financing and project closure management involved in the whole process of project starting, planning, implementation and control until the end.

Quản trị tri thức知识管理Knowledge management


The course aims to let the students set up the concept of knowledge management, to master and apply the basic principle and method of knowledge management, to cultivate and improve students' theoretical quality and practical skills. Through the practical skills training, student are able to improve the their practical ability, innovation ability and professional ability, to lay a solid theoretical foundation for the students employment and professional basis.

Giáo trình HSK5 HSK5教程II HSK5 standard course II


为帮助我校来华留学生顺利的通过HSK5级考试,特开设此门强化训练课程,通过学习HSK 5级培训课程留学生能够以口头或书面的形式用汉语流利地表达自己,并为顺利通过由国家汉办与孔子学院总部举办的HSK5考试做好准备。

Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. HSK5 is a necessary requirement for international students to obtain a degree in our school. Students who have reached this level of Chinese can better adapt to the needs of university study and daily life.

In order to help international students pass the HSK5 test, this intensive training course is set up so that the international students can express themselves fluently in Chinese either orally or in written form, and get ready to pass the HSK5 test organized by Hanban and Confucius Institute.

Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành 2专业英语II (工管) Professional EnglishBusiness Administration


This course is taught on the basis that students have preliminarily acquired the ability of listening, reading, writing and so on through two years of college English learning. The teaching purpose is to enrich students' English vocabulary in business administration major, on the one hand to improve students' ability to communicate in English in the professional field, on the other hand to lay a good foundation for postgraduate entrance examination.

Đàm phán kinh doanh商务谈判Business negotiation


This course is an elective course for students majoring in management. This course studies the basic theories, principles, procedures and techniques involved in various types of negotiations. It is an applied science as well as a borderline discipline integrating multiple disciplines. The purpose and task of this course is to teach the relevant knowledge of negotiation, cultivate the consciousness of negotiation, establish the correct concept of negotiation and master the basic skills of negotiation, so as to enable students to correctly grasp and use their theories and skills, adapt to the construction of socialist market economy and meet the challenge to talents in the knowledge economy era.

Hệ thống thông tin quản lý管理信息系统Management Information System


Management Information System is an important professional course for business administration majors. Through the teaching of this course, students should understand and master the basic concepts of information and information system, the basic composition of information system, understand the application of information technology in organization management, understand and master the process of information system development and the basic methods of information system development. Understand the development of management information systems, such as MRP-II, ERP ,etc. This course is theory and practice orientation. Through the study of this course, students can understand and master the basic concepts of management information system and the basic theory and method of information system analysis and design, to improve students' compilation capability, to master the latest technological in the field of management information system. This course lays a foundation for students to study the following professional courses and solve practical problems in the future work.

Quản trị tiêu thụ销售管理Sales management


"Sales Management" is an applied discipline based on marketing, behavioral science and modern management theory. It is an important part of marketing discipline and the product of enterprise marketing practice. Therefore, this course pays special attention to the cultivation of students' ability to combine theory with practice. Through the study of this course, students are required to systematically master the main theories of sales management, and basically have the ability to do a good job in sales management by carefully organizing and arranging effective sales activities from the perspective of marketing strategy.


Nghiên cứu hoạt động quản lý管理运筹学Operations Research for Management


"Management Operations Research" is a professional compulsory course for business administration students. This course is a science for undergraduates to assist management decision-making by applying scientific methods to management problems related to quantitative factors. Contents include characteristics of the data display and summarizing, reasoning the theoretical basis of the data, data deductive and inductive reasoning, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, data distribution and test and random test, the application of regression model and linear programming, inventory management, transportation problem, goal programming and other statistical decision, etc. This course introduces the basic concepts, basic models, basic methods and computer solving skills of the main branches of data processing and management operations research and their applications in economics and management. This course opens up a wide range of research and application fields for scientific management from the perspective of quantitative analysis and decision-making, and takes the practice of socialist core values as an important content of the course, so as to emphasize social responsibility, social benefits, integrity and keeping promises, so as to provide theoretical support for practical development.

Quản lý Sản xuất & Vận hành生产与运作管理Production & Operations Management



"Production and Operation Management" belongs to the discipline of management science and engineering, is a combination of theory and practice, business administration, logistics management and other professional compulsory backbone basic course. The course covers the basic theories of production and operations management, such as facility location, quality control, just-in-time production, cost control, schedule control, etc., while integrating the latest management theories and technological developments of production and operations. The course will provide students with analysis tools based on software implementation.

The objective of this course is to introduce theories and analytical tools related to production and operations management. Through the study of this course, students can establish the awareness of cost control, process optimization, quality assurance, schedule management and other aspects, and learn to examine, consider and deal with the problems existing in production and operation. Understand how to gain competitive advantage through production and operation management.

Lý thuyết và Thực hành Thương mại Quốc tế国际贸易理论与实务* International Trade Theory and Practice


Theory and Practice of International Trade is a subject that mainly studies the specific process of international Commodity Exchange. It is a comprehensive and practical subject with characteristics of foreign activities, and it is a required core course for students majoring in business administration. This course mainly introduces the basic concepts of international trade, theories of international trade, policies and measures of international trade, terms of international trade, contract terms of international sale of goods and so on. Through learning this course, make students understand the basic theory of international trade, to master the basic process of international trade, the basic practice, familiar with import and export business of each link, to master some common international practices and the principle of common practice, let the students have the knowledge needed to participate in international competition and the strong ability to deal with the international market of things, as well as adapt to the challenge of managing talent in complex international market.

Quản trị đổi mới创新管理Innovation Management


This course is a required course for business administration majors. Through the teaching of this course, students can understand the connotation and characteristics of innovation. Based on the perspective of network, the course of "Innovation Management" explains the basic elements of innovation management for students, so that students can have a basic understanding of the mode, process and method of innovation, and can excavate and refine practical problems, and apply basic theoretical tools to solve problems, so as to lay a foundation for subsequent practical work.

Thực tập sản xuất生产实习(二)Production Practice II


Production practice is carried out after students have learned the main professional courses. Its main purpose is to go deep into the enterprise reality by students themselves, have a perceptual cognition of the actual operation process of enterprise management activities, through the experience of practice, understand and master the theoretical knowledge learned. It will lay a good foundation for further study of professional courses and graduation design in the future, deepen students' understanding and understanding of theoretical knowledge, enhance students' practical ability such as hands-on operation, improve students' innovative thinking and innovation ability, and lay a good foundation for future work.

Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng供应链管理Supply Chain Management


The task of this course is to make students understand the basic concepts and functions of logistics and supply chain management, the theoretical system of logistics and supply chain discipline, and the functional elements of logistics and supply chain. Through the study of this course, students can have an in-depth understanding of the basic theories, basic functions and research methods involved in logistics and supply chain. Master customer service, transportation, storage, inventory, procurement, packaging and handling, site selection in logistics and supply chain management. It will lay a solid foundation and knowledge reserve for students to engage in logistics related industries in the future, broaden their knowledge scope, promote their enthusiasm and interest in logistics knowledge learning, and enhance their understanding of supply chain ecology and system optimization.

Tiếp thị điện tử网络营销E-marketing


Through the teaching of this course, students can systematically understand the theoretical system of network marketing, fully understand the principles and characteristics of marketing activities, environment and methods, tools and means, objectives and implementation control and other related content in the network virtual market. As well as master the operation of network marketing ideas and corresponding operation skills. The course enable students to use the Internet to plan and develop the main business for the traditional enterprises and Internet enterprises. At the same time of imparting knowledge, we should systematically cultivate students' ability in network marketing through in-class and out-of-class practices, so as to lay a foundation for the comprehensive use of relevant theories and methods of advertising.


Thực tập doanh nghiệp企业实习


Enterprise practice is carried out after students have learned the main professional courses. Its main purpose is to go deep into the enterprise reality by students themselves, have a perceptual cognition of the actual operation process of enterprise management activities, through the experience of practice, understand and master the theoretical knowledge learned. It will lay a good foundation for further study of professional courses and graduation design in the future, deepen students' understanding and understanding of theoretical knowledge, enhance students' practical ability such as hands-on operation, improve students' innovative thinking and innovation ability, and lay a good foundation for future work.

Khóa luận tốt nghiệp毕业设计(论文)Graduate project (thesis)


Students are required to use the basic knowledge, basic theory and basic skills to investigate and analyze the selected theoretical or practical problems, and master the methods and skills of selecting scientific research topics, consulting relevant data, drawing up research programs, using experimental means, processing data, writing papers and so on. On the basis of solid reading, investigation (or experiment), analysis and research, students must write a graduation thesis with clear views, sufficient evidence, accurate data, fluent language, clear organization, rigorous structure, in line with the standard style of general scientific research papers.




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